Join Devi and Dr. Chris Erickson as they share the intimate secrets of how they cultivate and maintain a tantric relationship.

Find out:
What makes a relationship Tantric?
What does sexual tantra practice involve?
What does non-sexual tantric practice involve?
Do you have sex with other people?
Does Tantra include kink?
How do you deal with triggers?
Why relationships keep getting better!
Tantric Relationships

Devi Ward Erickson is the Creator of the Authentic Tantra ® Modality and Founder of IATE. She is an author and Host of Sex is Medicine with Devi Ward Podcast on iTunes and She has been featured as a Tantra and Female Sexuality Expert in countless articles and over 30 different radio and television networks worldwide including Playboy Radio, Men’s Health Magazine, CBS, NBC, Rogers TV and the movie Sexology with Gabrielle Anwar and Catherine Oxenberg.

Dr. Chris Erickson is the Senior Educational Administrator & Director for The Institute of Authentic Tantra Education. Dr. Erickson is an accomplished Vajrayana Tantra practitioner, and one of the most advanced male Tantric practitioners in North America. He is deeply interested in weaving his academic understanding of society with his wisdom as a Tantric practitioner.

Dr. Erickson specializes in teaching Tibetan Buddhist Meditation theory and practice, cultivating mindful presence through pleasure, and mastering the art of semen retention. He holds a BA (University of British Columbia; International Relations, Philosophy), MA (Bond University; Philosophy), Ph.D (University of Massachusetts Amherst; Political Science; Director and Senior Educational Administrator of IATE (and Muse to Devi Ward Erickson).