Is Semen Retention Bad For Prostate Health?

Western medical studies suggest that frequent ejaculation can help men prevent prostate cancer. But how accurate are these studies? And... are the truly indicating a relationship between frequent ejaculation and prostate health, or are the results actually indicating a relationship between sexual PLEASURE and male health?

Join Tantra sexuality expert, Devi Ward Erickson, and Dr. Paul Tinari as they delve deeply into the pro’s and con’s of the most recent studies on frequent ejaculation and reveal what the results have ACTUALLY indicated in regards to male sexual health, ejaculation frequency, and the healing power of pleasure.

Find out:

*The present state of the research regarding implied relationships between ejaculation frequency and prostate health & cancer risk.

*The safety of Tantric development that develops the male ability to experience non-ejaculatory orgasms

*The healing properties of Tantric work & development

*The safety aspects of various techniques of ejaculatory blockage


Dr. Paul D. Tinari did his Ph.D. research in Bio-Fluid Mechanics, specifically researching capillary flows, the behaviour of fluids flowing through extremely tiny channels & pores such as those found in the human lymph system. He is the former Director of Education at the West Coast College for Massage Therapy where he worked to introduce many improvements to the curriculum in the area of Lymph Massage and Deep Transverse Therapy (DTT).

After his partner died at a very young age of a very aggressive form of breast cancer, he dedicated himself to understanding everything possible about the origins of her illness. In particular, he used his expert knowledge of capillary flows to gain a detailed understanding of the flow of lymphatic fluid through the breast and how this flow could be interrupted by the wearing of certain types of constricting clothing. The results of his years of study of bio-fluid mechanics, bio-physics, massage therapy, tantric arts, nutrition and epidemiology, applied to the flow of lymph in the human body, have been summarized and included in this work. He currently works as personal success coach and health & wellness consultant. He lives in Port Moody, British Columbia, Canada.



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