Devi speaks with Sheri Testerman and Francoise Devresse, sensuality researchers and educators from The Welcomed Consensus about Female Orgasm & Deliberate Orgasm.
Sheri believes in expanding fun, friendship and sex through a new model of orgasm; a model based on female orgasm that is inclusive and has people win. By advancing the sensual frontier in her own life for over 25 years, she has experienced what it takes to have continuously gratifying relationships and live a fun life.Together with her fellow instructors, she teaches Deliberate Orgasm, offering courses and retreats. One of their courses is a demonstration of a one hour orgasm.
You can find Sheri on Facebook or email sheri at
The Welcomed Consensus is a group of researchers and educators in sensuality, communication, relationships and female orgasm. Since 1992, they teach sensuality courses and share the new insights and experiences from their research. Their new body of information in the fields of communication, sensuality, relationships and female orgasm is innovative and unique.
They use an expansive model of orgasm that is inclusive and has people thrive in their sex lives and relationships. Discover what is beyond the traditional cultural approaches to sexuality. Create greater intimacy with Deliberate Orgasm and give your partner exquisite and gratifying pleasure anytime and every time. Find out more at