For most of us, our experience with sex education centered primarily around preventing sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies, with pleasure being mentioned rarely or not at all. In other words, few of us ever learn anything meaningful about how to have good sex. We also don’t typically learn how sex might change with age, or how to deal with common sexual difficulties. Fortunately, the Sex and Psychology podcast is here to give you the sex ed that you definitely didn’t get in school!

For this episode, I interviewed journalist Michael Castleman, who has covered sex research and therapy extensively in his 46-year writing career. He has written more than 2,000 magazine and web articles, answered more than 12,000 sex questions, and published 17 books, which—together—have sold more than 2 million copies. His latest book is titled Sizzling Sex for Life. Michael is a wealth of knowledge about all things sex, and we cover a lot of ground in this episode.

Topics we explore include:

What do people at different stages of life (young adults, middle-age adults, and seniors) need to know in order to have better sex?
How do you start productive and healthy conversations about sex with your partner(s)? How do you tell a partner what you really want in bed?
How can sexual enhancers and novelties—sex toys, lubricants, sexy underwear, and more—make our sex lives better?
What do LGBTQ+ folks need to know about better sex? And what can lesbians teach all of us about great sex?
Why do so many seniors explore kink for the first time in older age? How does BDSM help people cope with chronic illnesses?
What is the average penis size, and does penis size really matter?
Is it normal for people in relationships to masturbate?
What are the most common questions and concerns people have about sex?


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