We love our listeners soooo much. Some have been our book readers and made the transition with us to this wild and vast podcasting world. Some have just learned of us and are dirty enough to enjoy listening to our weekly shenanigans. All are welcomed to be a proverbial fly on the wall as we get down to the nitty-gritty of sex and horror. As we celebrate our 50th episode, it seemed fitting to discuss this journey with a dedicated listener. Julio De Hoyos has been dubbed our super fan, as he’s listened to our episodes since nearly the beginning. As a sex and horror lover, Julio joined us to discuss his impressions of our 49 episodes: his top 5 favorites and why, what keeps him coming back every week, and which of our recommendations he has checked out. We also answered his questions: who our dream guests are, how we got started writing, where do we see the podcast going in the next year, what do we do when we aren’t writing or podcasting, and how do we go about getting guests. We had a blast. Thanks, Julio! And thanks to all who listen to our podcast. https://instagram.com/july_rlyeh https://www.facebook.com/july.rlyeh.5