Max and David are joined by Mike Vigil of The Timeline Podcast. The guys start out by recapping the week that was and discussing the breaking news of Tyson Chandler's buyout with the team. 

Awards time! Following the traditional NBA award naming framework, awards for the month of October are discussed but with a few twists. Plus plenty of chat about recent Suns action. 

David tells Max and Mike a "Did You Know" awards story, before they all hand out some unofficial league awards - good and bad. Max's turn to then ask three ecletic "Seven Seconds Or Less" questions to end the show.


02:15 - Tyson Chandler Buy-Out
07:39 - 6MOY - Who Deserves To Play More? 
16:00 - DPOY - Who's Been The Most Disappointing? 
23:50 - MIP - Who Has Been The Biggest Surprise? 
27:46 - ROY - The Best Rookie Moment So Far?
32:46 - MVP - The Suns Player Of The Month
41:15 - Did You Know 
47:00 - Around The Association Awards 
57:53 - 7 Seconds Or Less