We're excited this week on Settle the Score, with your host Matt Knost and musical director Andy Merryweather, for two reasons. First off, Andy gets married the day after we record so if you haven't leave a comment, send him a message, tweet at him, whatever and wish him well on this voyage with his new bride! Second, we have first time guests Adam Collins and Peggy Gubbins and we're both looking forward to meeting them and seeing them compete in the game! They both seem like wonderful people so this should be fun.   

If you'd like to take part in our next fan show you've got two ways to enter. Either retweet and like the tweet Matt puts out promoting the show each week or you can leave a comment on this video at https://www.youtube.com/mattknost. The more retweets and comments you leave the greater your chance is of being selected for the show. So fire away!  

To follow everyone on twitter head to: 

Matt: https://www.twitter.com/mattknost 

Andy: https://www.twitter.com/STS_AndyM 

Adam: https://www.twitter.com/Aizanthor 

Peggy: https://www.twitter.com/PeggyBball  

Now on to today's show. Let's go!!!


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