It's another theme show on Settle the Score this week with your host Matt Knost (@mattknost) and musical director Andy Merryweather (@STS_AndyM) & please join them in welcoming first time guest Bobby Finstock (@BobFinstock) and returning guest JTE (@JTEmoviethinks) for a sports movie extravaganza! We're excited for this one and hope you are too.  

If you'd like to participate in our next fan show please leave a comment on this video over or retweet and like the tweet that Matt puts out each week. We'll be selecting 2 random individuals from those pool of individuals for our next fan show. The more you comment and retweet, the greater your chances of joining us on the show and competing to see how well you know your movie scores, soundtracks, and songs!  

Now on to today's show. Let's do this