Hello and welcome again to another Video Teaching for your spirit and soul, your kingdom within your three part system of spirit, soul and physical body. This is My Dear Spiritual Child Letter, # 8, From Me, Agape Love Himself for There is No Distance Too Great For Me to Travel to Reach You.

References include
1. Zoom
2. Pixabay, A Motion Video
3. The Authorized King James Bible

Scriptures used
1.Proverbs 23 : 7 & 12, King Solomon speaking to us

Movies mentioned
1. Dr. Strange, Marvel Studios
2. Jesus of Nazareth

Personal Stories Told
1. Meeting with Candy, A Test of Faith in God
2. Dr. Dolittle & Narnia
3. Candy & The Anti - Christ
4. Amanda and The False Prophet, The Black Forest Clan
5. Amanda's spiritual help from Isaac to take a college test

Please subscribe to Agape Love's 2 Youtube Channels
1. The Hidden Kingdoms
2. For Children of All Ages

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Love Pastor Deborah