Next Episode: 84: Oktoberfest

Not just a release day of a limited, sought-out beer, Cantillon Zwanze Day also represents a certain cheeky attitude that challenges tradition.

Wildflower's Toepher Boehm and Bitter Phew's Aaron Edwards join the gang to talk about the day and what it means in Australia's beer scene.


Wildflower Gold Beermosa
Wildflower St. Florence
Cantillon Zwanze 2017


Beer & Brewer: Australia's Top 50 Beer Venues
Belgian Smaak Podcast

Non-Beer Recommendations

Topher: Radiolab
Liam: Have a good Armagnac
Tom: The Good Place

Beer Recommendations

Brad: Tuatara Vastafarian 2017
Topher: Colonial Small Ale, 4 Pines Kolsch
Liam: Pumphouse
Tom: HaandBryggeriet Tindbic 2016