Previous Episode: Episode Seven: Emotions

Emily Care Boss can be found at her games website at, and on twitter at @emilycare.

Steve Discont can found on twitter at @bearlynormal, and Porter Green at @DagmarRugosa.

You can go to the following URLs or research articles to learn about some of the topics discussed in this episode:

Bleed: by Sarah Lynne Bowman

Bleed: by Kjell Hedgard Hugaas

Relationship Development through Roleplaying:

Alibi: Montola, M., & Holopainen, J. (2012). First person audience and painful role-playing. In C. B. Nielsen & C. Raasted (Eds.), Immersive Gameplay: Essays on Participatory Media and Role-playing (pp. 13-30). Jefferson, NC, USA: McFarland.

Magpie Games?s Bluebeard?s Bride