Take a guess... How much time do you invest to learn something during your week? It's a lot.

We learn all the time in order to grow as a professional, a team and an organisation.

Heck by reading this email you're learning something (hopefully).

Most learning happens organically and on the fly. Which is totally fine.

But when you deliberately want to bridge a gap in knowledge, skill or experience it's smart to design that journey.

That's where learning design comes in.

According to Andre Plaut learning should be hard but not confusing, frustrating or painful.

As you'll discover in this weeks episode there's a lot more to learning design than just coming up with training material.

It's a (strategic) design discipline that very closely related to service design.

After the conversation with Andre I got really excited about the potenial of learning design. Hope you will too.

--- [ GUIDE ] -—

00:00 Welcome to episode 126
03:50 Who is Andre
05:00 60 second rapid fire
07:45 What is learning design
11:00 The goal of learning design
19:00 Redesigning the way we work
22:30 Learning design in practice
28:30 When to design learning
33:00 Setting teams up for success
40:00 The evolution of learning design
44:00 A better business conversation
46:30 The future of learning design
49:30 Recommended resources
51:00 Final thoughts

--- [ LINKS ] ---

* https://www.linkedin.com/in/andreplaut/
* https://ahumanmachine.com/
* Workshop by Andre: Learning is Experience Design - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMprxiz5rGM
* Square wheels cartoon - https://performancemanagementcompanyblog.com/tag/cartoon-too-busy/

* John Marshall: Definer of a Nation - https://amzn.to/3w1y9mD
* Design for How People Learn - https://amzn.to/3y2Y2nJ
* Making Conversation - https://amzn.to/3hh1K7f

Learn what it takes to get your clients, colleagues, managers, CEOs and even grandmas as excited about service design as you are.
