Customers don't care about your internal departments. They only care about the experience they have with your service.

So in order to deliver great services you need to organise around your customer. Not the other way around.

But breaking down internal silos is easier said than done. Many have tried and failed. Big time.

In this episode you'll learn from Emma Laurentz how customer insights can help to build those much needed internal bridges.

Because when used in a smart way customer insights are one of the most powerful instruments you have to gently force stakeholders cross the borders of their own department.

So the question then becomes what does it take to get the most value out customer insights? How can you best harness their secret powers?

That's what you're going to find out in this chat with Emma!

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----- [ GUIDE ] -----

03:00 - The first encounter with Service Design.
04:30 - What if organisations would work in a cross-functional way?
12:15 - How can we create more value through customer insights?
22:10 - Why should we try to aim for a common language?
29:15 - Big question: what prototyping methods are you using

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