When is a challenge really out of scope for a service designer? What's the point where it becomes obviously too far fetched?

As designers we are overly optimistic. In general we don't shy away from new challenges.

It doesn't really matter if we haven't worked on a similar challenge in the past as we'll just figure it out as we go along.

This confidence in being able to solve any challenge often feels like a superpower. But it's also a major pitfall.

Are we as service designers overly optimistic in taking on organisational challenges? Are those kind of challenges really part of our job?

Simon Mhanna recently wrote a provoking article to stir up the much needed debate around this and in this episode you'll hear what he has to say.

We also discuss why it's so hard to implement service design work within organisations.

What kind of skills do organisations need to develop and put into place in order to increase the chance of ideas actually getting turned into action?

We'd love to have you join in this important conversation.

So leave a comment sharing your thoughts about the scope of service design!

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----- [ GUIDE ] -----

03:00 - The first encounter with Service Design.
08:45 - Why are we having challenges embedding service design work?
17:45 - How can we build the skills within the organisation to sustain the service design work?
25:10 - What if service design is not the catch all practice?
34:10 - Big question: What is out of scope for service design?

----- [ LINKS ] --------

* https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonmhanna/
* https://themoment.is/service-design-is-not-enough/

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