I'm deeply fascinated with the topic of organisational design. Why?

I've often said that the organisation is the design material of service designers.

Our job really is about shaping the environment from which great services can be delivered.

The guest in this weeks episode (Peter Merholz) even wrote an entire book about it titled: Org Design for Design Orgs.

Now I know what you're thinking...

"The people around me haven't even grasped the concept of service design. And now you want me to start telling them about organisational design? Give me a break!"

I totally get it. But there's a very simple reason why it's designers who need to and are driving this.

I'll give you a clue.

The answer lies in the shift that happens when you move from value creation through products to value creation through services.

I promise that after watching the episode it will make complete sense why you need to be thinking about organisational design as well.

And how that makes your work easier, not harder!

At the end of the episode we're doing a contest where you can win a signed copy of Peter's book.

So make sure you don't miss that!

--- [ GUIDE ] -—

00:00 Welcome to episode 110
02:30 Who is Peter
03:30 60 second rapid fire
06:20 When did the journey start
11:50 How Adaptive Path started
16:00 Going in-house to Groupon
21:00 Making the design happen
27:30 The role of design leadership
33:30 Why designer needs to drive this change
36:00 Every business is a service business
40:40 Revisiting org design for design orgs
46:00 The wave of Customer Experience
48:15 Don't be a service design purist
50:15 Book give away contest
51:00 Get in touch with Peter
52:00 Final thoughts

--- [ LINKS ] ---

* https://www.peterme.com/
* https://www.petermerholz.com/
* https://twitter.com/peterme
* https://www.linkedin.com/in/petermerholz/

--- [ BOOKS ] ---

Org Design for Design Orgs
* https://amzn.to/3igFB67

Information Anxiety
* https://amzn.to/3kT5kD8

The Design of Everyday Thing
* https://amzn.to/2Gr5Zg3

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