Taking risks is an inherit part of design. Trying things you haven't done before. Doing experiments. Exploring uncharted territory.

It's exactly these things that give us fulfilment and that we're frankly just very good at.

But doing this type of work has its price. And that price can be high.

When you're in the business of putting new things into the world you never know what the response will be.

The response might be praise but it also might be total rejection. We just don't know until it's out in the open.

And here lies a major problem...

Many designers tend to identify themselves with the things they design.

Which means that they take any type of response as an judgement about them rather than about the thing that you've put into the world.

This causes completely unnecessary stress, anxiety and mental suffering. And ultimately prevents you from giving everything you've got to the world.

Is there a solution? Yes, there is.

You have to find a way to be critical about your work while being compassionate for yourself at the same time.

In this episode Natalia Agudelo shares how she is trying break free from the struggles of identifying herself with her work.

The good news is that there are practical things you can do to adopt this mindset. It's a skill you can practice.

If you want to be a happier designer and deliver better work Natalia's story might provide you with some valuable insights on how to get there.

--- [ GUIDE ] ---

00:00 Welcome to episode 105
01:40 Who is Natalia
05:00 Taking things as they are
06:40 Unnecessary stress
10:00 Addressing the lack of awareness
13:00 Be critical and compassionate
16:40 Separate yourself from the design process
19:15 Think about how you think
23:00 Develop your internal voice
25:00 The grass is greener where you water it
28:40 How can I open up
34:00 Practice kindness
36:00 Be more present
36:45 Recommended resources
38:25 Get in touch with Natalia
38:45 Final thoughts

--- [ LINKS ] ---

* https://www.linkedin.com/in/nataliaagudelo/
* https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/8695.The_Restaurant_at_the_End_of_the_Universe

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