Could you become a better service designer by just sharing more? According to the guest in this episode that's definitely the case!

Daniele Catalanotto has been writing and sharing a lot about what he knows (and doesn't) related to service design.

It might sound counter intuitive but Daniele argues that you first and foremost should share for your own benefit. If other people find the things you share helpful, that's great. If not then that definitely shouldn't make you share less.

Now you might think that you have nothing to share. Or that you don't have the time to share. Or that sharing won't give your any real value. Well in this episode you'll learn that these are often just false believes.

Next we dig into why so many service designers overlook the simple solutions. What would happen if we would concentrate on fixing human to human interactions before we jump into designing the next shiny new service?

And finally, as Daniele is a Swiss based service designer, we're of course going to talk about rules. Daniele shares how having a set of guiding rules helped him to deliver better work. And you'll also learn how you can create your own set of guiding rules.

The big question for you in this episode is: What can you do tomorrow to share more (and what is preventing you from doing so)?

I hope you'll find this episode helpful and if you do please consider sharing it with just one other person today.

That way you'll help to grow the community and help me to invite more inspiring guests like Daniele.

Remember. Every. Share. Counts. :)

--- [ GUIDE ] ---

04:40 - The first encounter with Service Design.
07:45 - What if we would be sharing more as service designers?
17:10 - Why do we forget about relationships in service design so much?
25:10 - How many rules do we need as designers?
33:10 - Big question: What can you do tomorrow to share more?

--- [ LINKS ] ---

* Service Design Magazine ➜
* A tiny history of Service Design ➜
* Service Design Principles 1-100 ➜
* Service Design: From Insight to Implementation ➜

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