I'm sure you know them. Services that made you smile, made you feel special, made you feel... human. Unlike the bland and ordinary services that quickly fade from our memory, they are the services that we remember and look forward to.

The secret behind these exceptional services is the emotional connection they create with their users. But creating this emotional connection isn't easy.

Luckily, there's a proven "tool" that can help you do it - rituals.

Think for a moment about the rituals in your life, whether it's your morning coffee or your weekly dinner club. These moments are important to us, big or small. And our lives are filled with these moments.

So, why not design our services with these moments in mind? But how...

In today's episode, we're joined by Ted Matthews, a researcher, and expert in rituals as a tool for service design. Ted believes that rituals offer us the opportunity to design memorable services that make a lasting impact on the lives of our users. In this episode, we explore the power of rituals and how you can leverage them in your design process to create unforgettable experiences.

Whether you're a seasoned service designer or just starting out, seeing the power of rituals is something that you can't unsee. So, let's embrace it as a community and keep making a positive impact.

Thanks for your time, and enjoy the conversation :)

- Marc

--- [ 1. GUIDE ] ---

00:00 Welcome to episode 170

06:00 Who is Ted

08:00 Lightning round

13:00 Rituals as a design material

17:30 Habits, routines, and habits

22:00 Rituals in the context of services

28:00 Crafting experiences

34:30 Designing for the collective

39:00 Extraordinary ordinary experiences

42:30 How much is too much

46:00 Ethical questions

49:30 Is it different

51:30 Most common questions

54:00 Recommended resources

56:00 Closing thoughts

--- [ 2. LINKS ] ---

Ted's PhD (in=depth and difficult) - https://aho.brage.unit.no/aho-xmlui/handle/11250/2758408
Chapter 9 of this book (easier overview but reductive) - http://www.experience-centric.com
Rituals for Work (book) - https://amzn.to/3y7QIbz
Rituals for Virtual Meetings (book) - https://amzn.to/3yksE5L
Ritual design tool kit - https://interactionfoundry.com/rdt
On consumption rituals - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0195666318302496


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