HELLO FRIENDS,   Like many of you, the end of the school year can bring on an assortment of emotions for me. You don’t have to be a student, teacher or parent to see and sympathize with the struggles everyone is feeling as the days seem to drag on, as does everyone’s anticipation to be […]



Like many of you, the end of the school year can bring on an assortment of emotions for me. You don’t have to be a student, teacher or parent to see and sympathize with the struggles everyone is feeling as the days seem to drag on, as does everyone’s anticipation to be done. I’ve witnessed this firsthand in my household recently having a senior who is just over it. But this school year holds an extra special place in my heart as I have the privilege of watching my child graduate high school and I’m sure you can imagine all the “feels” surrounding that!


Whether hotter days ahead or extra noise around the house bring about positive or negative vibes within you, let me offer you this: You Are Not Alone! Community is vital to navigating the highs and lows of life so let’s do it together. Weekly you will find a variety of different small groups and bible studies that are always welcoming of new faces. You can check those out here! Now that school will be out for summer, what a great opportunity to get your children and their friends connected. Summer Camps are a perfect way to organically see these connections happen. For more information you can check out both Kid’s and Youth camps here.


No matter what title you hold, position you fill, or seat you sit in I pray endurance over you. You are so close to the finish line.


Have a beautiful week,


Lorena Akerman