In this week’s installment of our sermon series, “Can We Talk? Addressing The Uncomfortable,” Pastor Tyler Lynde dives into the delicate balance between truth and love. Drawing inspiration from Ephesians 4:11-16, Tyler dissects why truth and love are not adversaries but allies in any meaningful conversation about absolute truth and Jesus. Ever heard of the ‘screaming preacher’? Tyler shares this story to illustrate what happens when truth and love are out of sync. While truth is crucial, it’s the love […]

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In this week’s installment of our sermon series, “Can We Talk? Addressing The Uncomfortable,” Pastor Tyler Lynde dives into the delicate balance between truth and love. Drawing inspiration from Ephesians 4:11-16, Tyler dissects why truth and love are not adversaries but allies in any meaningful conversation about absolute truth and Jesus.

Ever heard of the ‘screaming preacher’? Tyler shares this story to illustrate what happens when truth and love are out of sync. While truth is crucial, it’s the love that opens doors and hearts, allowing the truth to find fertile ground.

Digging deeper, Tyler unfolds the five ministry gifts that Christ provided—apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. These aren’t just titles; they’re functions designed to equip the church to live like Jesus. The ultimate sign of Christian maturity, as Tyler puts it, is living like Jesus, speaking the truth in love.

The sermon also sheds light on an episode from John 8:2-11, where Jesus navigates the complex scenario of a woman caught in adultery. Tyler elucidates how Jesus spoke the truth in love, challenging both the religious leaders and the unbelieving woman, ultimately dealing with the shame that accompanies sin when confronted by truth and love. As Tyler points out, the church’s role in discipline should always be conducted out of love, aiming for restoration. This is crucial in a culture that often misunderstands love, defining it as an emotion rather than a choice and action. Our society has various misconceptions about love—some believe it’s all-inclusive, while others see it as non-interfering.

Tyler reminds us that true love is about selfless sacrifice and walking with someone toward freedom and healing. It involves speaking the truth in love, but also listening and asking intentional, open questions.

The post Can We Talk? Love + God’s Standard appeared first on Trinity Community Church.