Previous Episode: The King 2.0 (His Story #17)
Next Episode: Three Core Beliefs

Ancient nations longed to have a king rule over them because they believed that a good king would make them safe, strong, victorious, and fulfilled as a nation.

We aren't much different in our day and age. While we do not want political kings, we do find personal kings. We long for things, people, or experiences that make us feel safe, strong, victorious, and fulfilled.

The problem is, none of these kings can ever come through 100% of the time. Each and every one of them will fail.

But this is actually a good thing. Listen in to this 19th message in the His Story series and discover how Jesus is the one true King you have been looking for and actually need.

This week's passages are from 2 Samuel 11-12, Psalm 51, and Psalm 145.