Previous Episode: 10/4/2020 - ROI

COME TO THE FEAST!: October 11, 2020

When a couple plans their wedding, there is often an inordinate amount of time devoted to selecting the perfect venue.  Even more care is dedicated to the menu, the banquet that will be served in celebration of the marriage.  Do you remember your wedding?  Did you spend more time on the venue and the menu, or on the invitations that are sent to the people with whom you wanted to celebrate?

Jesus teaches a parable that likens the eternal joy of heaven to a wedding banquet.  The emphasis, though, is less on the venue and the menu.  Jesus' concern is on the invitation list.  He wants people to come!  The banquet is prepared for all.  He invites all, but as Jesus explains, many answer God’s RSVP with “regrets.”  Upset with their rejection, Jesus takes his invitation to the streets and fills the wedding hall with guests.  When you finally do get to heaven, you’ll be surprised who else you see there!

Have you received your RSVP to heaven?  Be sure to respond with faith.  More important than our concern over the venue and menu (or whether they’ll dance the “Macarena”) or our handwringing over who we may or may not see there is that we humbly receive our King's gracious, personal invitation.  Don't throw it away or make other plans.  RSVP now!  Heaven is ready for you, and your invitation is granted through faith in Jesus who is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6).

God bless your worship! 

► Readings:

• Isaiah 25:6-9: The Lord prepares a joyful feast for his people

• Romans 1:16-17: The Gospel is the power of God for salvation

• Matthew 22:1-14: God's gracious invitation to join the banquet

• Psalm 84

► Sermon theme on Isaiah 25:6-9: “God’s Response to Death”

8am & 10:45am services with accommodations are held on campus.

10:45am service live-streamed on our YouTube channel This week's service folder.