Siju then encouraged us to speak in faith about our situations, that Jesus has paid the price for our sins and sicknesses and we need to keep declaring over our lives these prophetic promises. We are more than conquerors says Paul in Romans 8:37, that nothing can separate us from God’s love through Christ – as he is truly victorious.  

The post Words that change lives | Siju Jacob appeared first on Jubilee Church Wirral.

Siju then encouraged us to speak in faith about our situations, that Jesus has paid the price for our sins and sicknesses and we need to keep declaring over our lives these prophetic promises. We are more than conquerors says Paul in Romans 8:37, that nothing can separate us from God’s love through Christ – as he is truly victorious.


The post Words that change lives | Siju Jacob appeared first on Jubilee Church Wirral.