As we return to our series called Believers in Action from the book of Acts we join Paul and Barnabas on their first missionary journey. We need to take heart that even under opposition as we are the light to the Gentiles (nations) and are called to reach the world. We are like Paul and Barnabas; just people like those we are trying to reach, we have been transformed by God and His power but we are not superior and […]

The post Just People Like Me | Dave Frodsham appeared first on Jubilee Church Wirral.

As we return to our series called Believers in Action from the book of Acts we join Paul and Barnabas on their first missionary journey.

We need to take heart that even under opposition as we are the light to the Gentiles (nations) and are called to reach the world. We are like Paul and Barnabas; just people like those we are trying to reach, we have been transformed by God and His power but we are not superior and just like the people around us sometimes we will make mistakes. Be encouraged today to build bridges with the people around you, you might not be perfect and they may not receive you but God is still working through you.

The post Just People Like Me | Dave Frodsham appeared first on Jubilee Church Wirral.