Jonathan Kent took us through his namesake’s battle with the Philistines, where Jonathan the son of King Saul, and his armour bearer with one sword between them to take on a Philistine Garrison. They stepped out trusting God for the victory and started a rout of the whole Philistine army which hugely outnumbered the Israelites who were with Saul. Jonathan explained the context of what was happening. There was no one in Israel to sharpen weapons or work metal, the […]

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Jonathan Kent took us through his namesake’s battle with the Philistines, where Jonathan the son of King Saul, and his armour bearer with one sword between them to take on a Philistine Garrison. They stepped out trusting God for the victory and started a rout of the whole Philistine army which hugely outnumbered the Israelites who were with Saul. Jonathan explained the context of what was happening. There was no one in Israel to sharpen weapons or work metal, the Philistines army was huge in comparison and the number of Israelites had dwindled as they were afraid and had lost sight of what weapons they had.

The post Jonathan’s daring plan | jonathan kent appeared first on Jubilee Church Wirral.