John 13:31-35 is part of Jesus' farewell speech to his disciples. It takes place on the night before his crucifixion, and he is giving his disciples final instructions for continuing his work. Many of you have also provided instructions for loved ones at other points in your lives. For example, if you went away on trips you likely gave instructions to other people for picking up your mail, checking on your homes or mowing your lawns. Hopefully most of you have also prepared wills in which you give instructions about how your property is to be dealt with after you die.

In John 13:31-35, Jesus is teaching his disciples about humility, acceptance and love. This particular passage occurs just after Jesus has washed the disciples' feet, and after Judas has left to betray Jesus. Judas' departure began the process by which Jesus was glorified by God. Jesus knew that Judas' actions would result in victory over sin and death, but the disciples didn't realize it even though Jesus told them several times that he would die and rise again. Jesus was their source of comfort and strength, but he knew that they would have to learn to support each other after he returned to heaven. That's one reason why he issued the commandment to love one another. It is also the new commandment that we as his modern disciples are to follow.

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