James 5:13-20 begins by referring to two ends on the spectrum of life-suffering and cheerfulness. Suffering refers to affliction of any kind-physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. It includes anything that causes trouble or affliction. James’ remedy is to tell us to pray. This passage focuses on the life-transforming power of prayer. Every state of mind or mood is a call to prayer.

It’s easy for us to turn to God when our lives are unraveling or when we feel overwhelmed. It’s also easy for us to see prayer as the last option or treat it like a time-waster that keeps us from solving our problems on our own. James argues that the best solution to our problems is prayer. Prayer doesn’t mean that God will end our pain, but it does mean that He will give us patience and perseverance. In James 5:7-12, the word patience is used seven times. In verses 13-20, the word prayer appears seven times. Prayer is the key for dealing with situations that require patience. Take the apostle Paul, for example. Several times he asked God to remove the thorn in his flesh but God said that “my grace is sufficient for you.”

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