“God is faithful, and… will not let you be tested beyond your strength” (1 Cor. 10).   

Grace Cathedral, San Francisco 2C10

3 Lent (Year C) 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Eucharist

Sunday 20 March 2022

Exodus 3:1-15

Psalm 63:1-8

1 Corinthians 10:1-13

Luke 13:1-9

“Psilocybin Can Occasion Mystical-Type Experiences Having Substantial Personal Meaning and Spiritual Significance.” This is the full title of a peer-reviewed scientific paper published in the journal of Psychopharmacology (2006). It concludes that one can safely and reliably provoke a mystical experience (which the authors define as the dissolution of one’s ego followed by a sense of merging with the universe).

Study participants regard these psychedelic encounters as profoundly meaningful. Two thirds of them ranked it as one of the top five most spiritually significant experiences of their lives. One third called it the most significant one.

Griffiths, R. R., W.A Richards, U. McCann, and R. Jesse, “Psilocybin Can Occasion Mystical-Type Experiences Having Substantial and Sustained Personal Meaning and Spiritual Significance,” Psychopharmacology 187, no. 3 (2006): 268-83.