Sunday Sermon given June 11, 2023
Prayer by Rev. Erica Richmond, Parish Minister

First Parish
A liberal religious community, welcoming to all
First gathered 1739

For the months of June, July and August, half of the offering supports two recipients:
The Mass Building Electrification Accelerator
and Educate Girls Now
The remaining half supports the life and work of this Parish.
To donate using your smartphone, you may text
“fpuu offering” to 73256. Then follow the directions in
the texts you receive.

About the Sermon: Rev. Marta Flanagan, Lead Minister, takes as her sermon theme the living and working of our Director of Religious Education Tina Schultz. Marta will consider what has influenced Tina in her work, and what we learn for the living out of our own lives. This Sunday is Tina’s last Sunday as our Director of Religious Education after 27 years. Tina has shaped a generation of our children and youth, making liberal religious values come alive.