"Promises of the Heart"

Sunday, January 7, 10:50 am, 2024

Unitarian Universalism is a non-creedal, covenantal faith; that is, we are united not by a single set of theological beliefs, but by the commitments we make to each other and to the broader society in which we live. A covenant is a promise from the heart to carry out these commitments. Throughout January, we will be exploring the concept and practice of covenanting.

Rev. Millie Phillips, Affiliated Community Minister; Richard Davis Lowell, Worship Associate; Galen Workman, Board of Trustees; Andrés Vera, cellist; Stephanie Bibbo, violinist; Andrew Kessler, songleader; Elliott Etzkorn, pianist

Shulee Ong, Camera; Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Athena Papodakos, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher