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Sunday Worship November 7th, 2021   “What’s Haman’s Deal?” Esther 5:9-14 Rev. Tyler Dirks     Sunday Live Stream’s will be offline for at least the next 6 weeks, and until renovation to the sanctuary is complete.  An audio recording of the sermon will be uploaded to this page (or if you follow the RSS/Podcast […]

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Sunday Worship

November 7th, 2021


“What’s Haman’s Deal?”

Esther 5:9-14

Rev. Tyler Dirks



Sunday Live Stream’s will be offline for at least the next 6 weeks, and until renovation to the sanctuary is complete.  An audio recording of the sermon will be uploaded to this page (or if you follow the RSS/Podcast feed) either by Sunday or Monday evening.

2021-11-07 Worship Guide

Children’s Sermon Notes

Sermon Outline:

1. Insecure

2. Bad Friends

3. Spiteful

Reflection Questions

1. Haman is exceedingly bothered by the fact that Mordecai doesn’t validate him. Even though Haman is married, and has kids, and has received promotions and praise from the King of Persia, and an exclusive party invitation from the Queen of Persia, nevertheless he insists on being ungrateful, discontent, and flagrantly upset simply because one person refuses to validate him. Can you relate?

2. When your friends see you wallowing in insecurity, self-righteousness, and/or being dominated by fear of man, do they dare to confront you?

3. Who is someone that upset you, and you no longer talk to that person? Is it possible that they’re right and you’re wrong?

4. In what ways are you spiteful?

5. What are your particular strategies for punishing people?

6. When you read history do you primarily identify with the victims or the perpetrators? Why?

The post What’s Haman’s Deal? appeared first on East Charlotte Pres.