Sunday Worship July 10th, 2022   “The Sign of Jonah” Jonah 1:17 Rev. Tyler Dirks     2022-07-10 Worship Guide   Sermon Outline: What You Get What You Want Reflection Questions When was a moment where you realized that it would not be healthy for you to get what you wanted? In Luke 11, Matthew […]

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Sunday Worship

July 10th, 2022


“The Sign of Jonah”

Jonah 1:17

Rev. Tyler Dirks


2022-07-10 Worship Guide


Sermon Outline:

What You Get
What You Want

Reflection Questions

When was a moment where you realized that it would not be healthy for you to get what you wanted?
In Luke 11, Matthew 12, and Matthew 16, when Jesus says, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign…” (a) what do you think that means, and (b) how does that sit with you?
Make a list of 10 things that you’re sincerely thankful for, and then use that list to crush (or at least cripple) your list of favorite things to complain about.
Read Philippians 3:10. Do you GET this? If so, how do you ENJOY the fact that you GET this?
Read 2 Corinthians 12:9. What specific weaknesses will you all the more gladly boast in this month?
Read 2 Timothy 2 and write out a page of thoughts regarding the sundry ways in which soldiers, athletes, and farmers feel their weaknesses, die to self, and enjoy the resurrection paradigm of life and growth.

The post The Sign of Jonah appeared first on East Charlotte Pres.