Previous Episode: Irrevocable Wrath

Sunday Worship December 12th, 2021   “Eucatastrophe” Esther 8:9-17 Rev. Tyler Dirks   2021-12-12 Worship Guide Children’s Sermon Notes Sermon Outline: 1. Reversal 2. Rejoice 3. Relationship With God Reflection Questions 1. What was a time you experienced an improbable, and delightful, turn of events? 2. What is an example of coerced hatred that you […]

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Sunday Worship

December 12th, 2021



Esther 8:9-17

Rev. Tyler Dirks

2021-12-12 Worship Guide

Children’s Sermon Notes

Sermon Outline:

1. Reversal

2. Rejoice

3. Relationship With God

Reflection Questions

1. What was a time you experienced an improbable, and delightful, turn of events?

2. What is an example of coerced hatred that you have been personally influenced by and participated in?

3. When have you experienced the enhanced health and nourishment of God’s special concern for sojurners, widows, and orphans?

4. Read Esther 8:17 and answer the following question: in what healthy way(s) is the world supposed to experience the fear of God’s people in 2021 & 2022?

5. How do you need to embrace the confidence that comes with having a relationship with an all-powerful being who prefers to traffic in eucatastrophe?

The post Eucatastrophe appeared first on East Charlotte Pres.