Classics Podcast artwork Classics Podcast

123 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 12 years ago - ★★★★ - 17 ratings

The work and ministry of SermonIndex can be encapsulated in this one word: Revival. Concepts such as Holiness, Purity, Christ-Likeness, Self-Denial and Discipleship are hardly the goal of much modern preaching. Thus the main thrust of the speakers and articles on the website encourage us towards a reviving of these missing elements of Christianity

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His and His Alone by K.P. Yohannan

December 09, 2011 04:06 - 55 minutes - 16.5 MB

Brother K.P. Yohannan preaches with passion and burden for us to realize we are not our own but have been bought with a price. He calls for those that will follow Christ in whole-hearted devotion and live for His approval alone. There is a lost and dying world going to Hell and need to hear the Gospel and see it clearly in our lives.

The Fear Of The Lord - Malachi's Resurgence by David Ravenhill

October 28, 2011 00:57 - 53 minutes - 2.34 MB

Here we are confronted by one of America’s foremost, modern, “prophets” as he deals with several of church’s most fundamental truths: the fear of God, and the Holy Spirit—and we find his message greeted largely with silence. He crosses all denominational lines, and spares no one. Yet, when he is finished, and we look at ourselves and the North American church one cannot but wonder what will become of us if, as the brother points out, the church doesn’t get its act together. Can we really hope...

Only One Life Will Soon Be Past by Zac Poonen

August 16, 2011 20:52 - 51 minutes - 6.5 MB

Brother Zac shares from the famous phrase of the missionary C.T. Studd: "Only One life will soon be past, only what is done for Christ will last." He shares the need not only to do things in the Name of Christ but to do them in the calling and power of Christ's life in us. A powerful needed message towards especially those in ministry or pastoring.

Offer Your Bodies A Living Sacrifice by Paul Washer

August 05, 2011 02:44 - 57 minutes - 13.3 MB

Paul Washer powerfully shares an exposition of Romans chapter 12 verse 1 on offering our life as a true sacrifice to God. He clearly shows that it must in light of the work of mercy and justification that God offers through His Son Jesus Christ. This is a powerful message calling for full surrender and holiness to the Lord.

Following Jesus The Straight Gate by Hans R. Waldvogel

June 06, 2011 03:07 - 25 minutes - 3.97 MB

Brother Hans Waldvogel shares powerfully that salvation is in the person of Jesus Christ. Not in sects, denominations or specific doctrines or theology. But in the blood and work of Christ and His indwelling us by the Spirit. May God bring us to a place of reality in our walk with Jesus.

God's People Are Not Prepared by Mark S. Case

May 29, 2011 02:43 - 30 minutes - 11.6 MB

According to the scriptures, we should have on "the whole armor of God" in order to be able to "stand in the evil day." That day is now, and it is no secret that God's people are not dressed in His whole armor. Also, the scriptures show time and again, that as believers we shall give account of our lives to God. Today, there is no teaching of responsibility with accountability for the believer. God's people are not prepared to stand in the evil day, or to meet God to give an account of respon...

Where is the Fire? by Leonard Ravenhill

May 13, 2011 01:11 - 1 hour - 27.3 MB

This is a powerful burdened message preached at a Baptist Conference in Texas around 1990. Ravenhill shares on the burden for a unction, anointing and power from above to rest upon the Church. He speaks for 2 whole hours sharing his burden for revival. Do we have the fire of God in our life's?

At the Price of God's Own Blood by John Piper

April 21, 2011 17:41 - 29 minutes - 6.75 MB

This is a very challenging message given by John Piper on the life and ministry of Nicolaus Ludwig Zinzendorf and the Moravian movement. Oh what a tremendous example of piety and sacrifice in these saints who gave all in response to the free salvation offered in Christ. May this stir you to give all, what can you truly hold back from the Son of God's love?

Studying the Scriptures And Finding Jesus by Albert Mohler

April 13, 2011 23:44 - 57 minutes - 4.97 MB

Mohler began by describing the current landscape of the American church—we need a recovery of understanding the Scriptures in their totality. He expounded Jesus’ dialogue with the Pharisees in John 5 with specific application for us. The Pharisees’ rejection of Jesus was a refusal to recognize God’s witness of him. The takeaway for us is important: one can study the Scriptures extensively and not get it.

The Crushing of Christ by Paul Washer

April 06, 2011 06:11 - 1 hour - 21.8 MB

Paul Washer shares on the gospel message of Christ taking on the wrath of God for the lost world. This is a clear message of the Gospel and its focus and elevation of Christ alone. Amidst the shallow presentations of the gospel this message elevates the true Gospel.

Turning Carnal Cash Into Kingdom Currency by Glenn Sheppard

March 25, 2011 04:33 - 37 minutes - 6.49 MB

Glenn Sheppard preaches a powerful message on the proper way to use money as a Christian. He gives a strong exhortation about the abuse of seeking lustfully money for personal gain amongst the Churches. He clearly shows how many leaders are seeking comfort and gain in the ministry. There needs to be a change in North America the way we use money for the glory of God.

Dont Be Dismayed by Carter Conlon

March 18, 2011 18:17 - 1 hour - 4.93 MB

Carter Conlon preached this powerful message in the year 2003 at Times Square Church. No matter your struggle - God will NOT fail you as you trust Him in everything. God will always be faithful the scripture says. God has made covenant with the Church as he did with Israel and His promises are sure. He is a sure rock and fortress in our times of trouble. May God bring us to total dependence on Christ and His work.

Purity In A Wicked Age by David Wilkerson

March 01, 2011 20:11 - 1 hour - 38.8 MB

David Wilkerson contends for purity in the midst of a wicked, perverse age where the world is encroaching the Church of the living God. There is a need to maintain purity in these days so that the Lamb of God will be glorified in the lives of Christians and the Gospel would have a testimony in this wicked age.

The God Who Devastates by Art Katz

February 21, 2011 02:17 - 57 minutes - 9.46 MB

Art Katz speaks prophetically using the holocaust and the sufferings of Job applying it to the Church and the need of repentance. If Divine reality is to come into the church in its present unreal condition, then we need to expect devastations in our midst of the deepest and challenging kind. The text is from the suffering of Job.

Outside the Camp by David Platt

January 26, 2011 23:24 - 38 minutes - 8.83 MB

David Platt shares passionately the character of God, His powerful and sovereignty. He speakings on the modern church and our trust in the flesh and our sufficiency and how God does not need these things. God has a plan and purpose may we enter into this fully and live by His power and great grace!

Everything is For the Glory of God by Jim Cymbala

January 08, 2011 19:13 - 39 minutes - 9.01 MB

Jim Cymbala shares how everything in the world, life and Christian life is for the glory of God. This is an important foundational message for Christian life and many of us seem to drift from this sure place and goal. He also shares how our constant victory in Christ must be soley by His grace and for His glory.

The Spirit Filled Life by Oswald J. Smith

December 22, 2010 01:37 - 1 hour - 1.67 MB

'The question is not,' Oswald J. Smith contends, 'Do I have the Holy Spirit?' but, 'Am I filled with the Holy Spirit?' Smith shows how this commandment to be filled with the Spirit is essential to have power over sin and power for service. HOW may I be filled? Five conditions are laid out to consider: confession, renunciation, surrender, obedience and faith. Mr. Smith closes with his own personal testimony of how God broke him in ministry and humbled him sorely so that he could be used in the...

You Can Fulfill God's Perfect Plan by Zac Poonen

December 12, 2010 22:08 - 1 hour - 13 MB

Sacrifice and Sovereignty is the balance of Chrstian Life. Painful self-denial and submitting our wills to God ensure we have walked in the perfect will of God. Amongst all the problems and doubts we can trust a loving Heavenly Father that He is desiring and leads us into His perfect will for our life's. Into a life full of good works that glorifies the death of Christ for our sins giving us eternal life.

Run The Race Like Abraham by K.P. Yohannan

December 12, 2010 22:07 - 40 minutes - 7.06 MB

Brother K.P. Yohannan shares a short devotional before a Gospel For Asia prayer meeting. He shares 7 principles in the life of Abraham on how to finish well in your faith. It is absolutely important to finish better then we began.

Excellency Of Knowing God by Leonard Ravenhill

September 05, 2010 13:54 - 1 hour - 16.1 MB

Ravenhill preaches from a deep burden on the greatest need in our Churches to know God! We don't know God, we talk about Him, we read His book but do we know Him in his grandeur and in his power? This is a provoking and challenging message.

Full Time Ministry by David Wilkerson

August 26, 2010 02:03 - 56 minutes - 9.75 MB

David Wilkerson gives a very clear warning to the spirit of the age that many Christians are living in. Think you're too busy to pray? No matter how busy or what your occupation in this life, every Believer is called into "Full Time Ministry."

Where Christianity Becomes Profiteering by Zac Poonen

July 26, 2010 17:41 - 1 hour - 13.9 MB

Zac Poonen shares clearly from Scripture and the burden of the Holy Spirit how many in Christendom are making profit from the Gospel. He calls for brethren to be set apart from serving mammon in anyway in the work of the Gospel.

Dealing With Sin by Charles Price

July 16, 2010 20:29 - 1 hour - 13.6 MB

Charles Price delivers a very sobering message on the danger of sin in the Christian life and ministry. He shares the account of Saul and how sin came back to haunt him and took him from kingship. May we be at war with sin in our Christian Life and never excuse sin in any way.

The Greatest Sin In The Church by Stephen Olford

June 30, 2010 02:21 - 30 minutes - 6.9 MB

Stephen Olford shares a powerful message on the need for obedience to the voice of the Lord. Apart from sacrifice, christian ministry, busyness the Lord desires us to deal with God about sin. There is a deception that can easily take us over and we can be blind to our condition. The greatest sin is partial obedience.

The Breaking Heart Of God by Clayton Dougan

June 11, 2010 20:25 - 1 hour - 15 MB

Clayton Dougan shares a powerful message on the broken heart of God over His Church. That God's heart is breaking for a backslidden bride that is flirting with the world. This message is a deep burdened call to true revival in our day.

A Beautiful Mind by Edgar Reich

May 24, 2010 15:33 - 53 minutes - 7.75 MB

Brother Edgar shares on the great need to have a mind like the Lord Jesus Christ's. He shares from personal experiences and from scripture how we should think and behave as a redeemed Christian. This is a powerful message that will lead you more into the conformity of Jesus Christ.

Revival Now by Mark Greening

May 12, 2010 21:27 - 1 hour - 16.9 MB

Mark Greening shares a powerful word from God at the New Jersey, Revival God's way conference in 2010. Mark shares on how we can have personal revival in our life's today. Do we see that our loving of sin is more then Jesus Christ? Are we willing to repent of this and love the Lord Jesus Christ with all our hearts?

The Return Of God's Glory by Bill Mcleod

May 09, 2010 04:19 - 52 minutes - 12 MB

Bill Mcleod shares about times in scripture when the glory of God departs. This is a very sobering message that has the anointing of God's Spirit on it. It is very clear that the message is spoken as the oracles of God. Some of the testimonies that are shared at the end of true revival are very God glorifying. Oh that God might send a revival again.

The Missing Presence of Christ by Rolfe Barnard

March 24, 2010 06:09 - 58 minutes - 13.4 MB

Rolfe Barnard shares from a deep prophetic burden of the lack of the true conception of what Church is. He also laments the lacking presence of Christ in the midst of assemblies in America. Truly there is a deep need for revival in our day.

Resurrection Realm by David Wilkerson

March 15, 2010 22:40 - 1 hour - 20.4 MB

David Wilkerson shares a powerful prophetic word that is even more timely in our day. He speaks on the subject of idolatry and unbelief in the church. His main burden is to see believers enter into the full freedom of sin in the resurrection life that Jesus Christ offers all saints.

Missionary Commitment by Billy Graham

March 06, 2010 06:08 - 48 minutes - 11 MB

Billy Graham exhorts a large gathering of young people to count the count to follow Christ fully in missionary service. This is a prophetic message for our day to consider the true cost of following Christ and serving Him in missions. Oh that God would raise up a radical disciples in and end times radical missions movement in these last days.

Whole Hearted Households by Denny Kenaston

February 18, 2010 18:32 - 43 minutes - 9.95 MB

Brother Denny shares the last of six sessions of the visionary aspect of childrearing of how whole-hearted households affect the next generation. He goes into detail of what an ordered Jewish home like one Jesus or John the Baptist was raised in to raise the bar of our own expectations. "A man's family," Kenaston says, "is the greatest revelation of who he is. Are we too busy to raise godly children that will "hit the mark" someday?

Why Revival Tarries by George Verwer

February 05, 2010 16:55 - 42 minutes - 9.78 MB

George Verwer shares his burden for revival and spiritual awakening in modern day evangelism. There is such a need to realize we are deceived even the best of us. We need to seek reality and surrender fully in radical discipleship to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Beginning Of The End by Alan Redpath

January 21, 2010 13:45 - 50 minutes - 11.5 MB

Redpath preaching to students at Prairie Bible Institute and looks at the 6th chapter of Mark's gospel, specifically at the miricale of the feeding of the 5000. He shows how we try to do so much in our own strength, rather than being totally dependant on God. Have we given all to Jesus?

Resist The Devil by Mark Greening

January 15, 2010 22:30 - 50 minutes - 14.5 MB

Mark Greening shares on spiritual warfare and resisting the work of the devil in Christian life. He debunks some of the false concepts of spiritual warfare that have crept in the Church and shows how the Church has departed from scripture in this area.

Making Whole Hearted Disciples by Zac Poonen

December 28, 2009 19:07 - 1 hour - 14.4 MB

Brother Zac Poonen gives a very strong prophetic message on the need for discipleship in Christendom in our day. This is a clarion call for repentance for leadership in Churches to start to disciple their converts and build the body of Christ. It is not enough to just have a church full on sundays we need to see discipleship and whole hearted believers living for Christ daily.

World-Wide Evangelization by K.P. Yohannan

December 23, 2009 08:02 - 47 minutes - 10.8 MB

K.P. Yohannan shares his passion for seeking and saving the lost as Christ did. He delivered this message at a leadership conference and exhorts us to not lose our heart and burden for the lost souls going to a Christless eternity. This message will change you if you open your heart afresh to the passion of God's heart: Missions!

The Holy Presence Of God by Yorrie Richards

December 13, 2009 14:29 - 1 hour - 21.5 MB

Yorrie speaks in this message of the character of God namely His holiness. And not just an abstract message but it speaks of our experiencing of this holy God. This is a crucial message for modern Christianity, this was spoken on the 50th year of ministry of brother Yorrie at the Moriah Chapel in Wales.

Gods New Thing by David Legge

December 03, 2009 13:35 - 53 minutes - 24.4 MB

David Legge shares his burden about what God is doing in now and will be doing in revival in the future. This message is prophetic and carries with it a great weight about the true reality of a move of God and the biblical implications. This is a very important message for the times we are living in as the body of Christ.

The Power of Travailing Prayer by Mark Greening

October 28, 2009 10:45 - 1 hour - 17 MB

This message delivered by Mark Greening is a powerful exhortation to true prayer and intercession that brings revival. With testimonies of God working just months before and examples of church history of such praying. With many scriptures given to substantiate this type of praying we are helpless but to say we have not such a conception of praying in our day. Oh may we humble ourselves and let our Master teach us afresh what it means to "travail."

The Power Of Weeping by Michael Youssef

October 19, 2009 09:18 - 22 minutes - 14.6 MB

Michael Youssef shares this powerful sermon at the 2007 National Broadcasters Association. There is a deep burden and weeping over the state of America and Evangelism in this message. Oh that we would hear it all with "ears that can hear" what the Spirit is saying to the Churches. This is a urgent appeal from the heart of God over the declension and need of a genuine biblical revival in our generation.

Watching Joseph Die by Bill Mcleod

October 18, 2009 08:56 - 1 hour - 18.4 MB

Bill McLeod has taken part in revivals for over thirty years. He has traveled extensively and experienced the power of God in revival throughout Canada, the United States, South America, and Europe. For the last twenty years he has passionately led crusades and revivals, sharing the engrossing truths the Lord has given him. He shares his burden for revival through the story of Joseph from the scriptures.

A Message for America and Its Cultural Religion by Carter Conlon

September 20, 2009 11:00 - 55 minutes - 17.2 MB

America has made a tragic mistake by allowing the worship of Baalism into the House of The Lord. The god of prosperity has become the god of this age. How this must break the heart of God! The Lord doesn’t judge with any delight in His heart but He looks down on what was supposed to be His heritage and says I can't let this go on any longer! He absolutely will not let His people pursue a path that will lead to hell. God is calling His church to return to Him and allow Him to take away all the...

Judges And Jesters by Scott Hynds

August 26, 2009 13:12 - 33 minutes - 7.69 MB

This is a powerful message on the repentance needed in the Church world-wide. There is much that calls itself Christianity but is nothing but a farce. Oh that men would see these circus's in the name of God and repent and seek the true living God. There is terrible deception happening in these last days!

When God Asks Too Much by William Carrol

August 10, 2009 21:20 - 54 minutes - 16.9 MB

Don’t be too quick to comes to God 's defense and say God never asks too much. This message suggests that God ALWAYS asks too much and it is never God's design or desire that we should ever be in a place where we think that what God is requiring is something that we can bring about in our own strength or by our own power. When God first speaks His promises to us there is strong expectancy for the fulfillment of that promise. But as time passes on and we are still waiting the possible begins t...

To Live Is Christ by K.P. Yohannan

July 28, 2009 13:12 - 47 minutes - 10.9 MB

Loving Jesus. It's what the Christian life is all about. Speaking with years of experience as a missionary, K. P. Yohannan gives illustrations about what "To live is Christ" fully means. In a day of so many plans and possessions in North American Christianity brother KP comes with the clear call to follow Jesus Christ with our entire lifes.

The Beauty of Nothing by Richard Wurmbrand

July 12, 2009 20:37 - 38 minutes - 8.9 MB

Pastor Wurmbrand shares his experiences in jail for 14 years by the communists. He shares a specific facet of his testimony which was the nothingness they were faced with in jail. No bibles, No fellowship, No communion, No sound. But admist this all the Lord Jesus Christ revealed himself to the prisoners and allowed them to experience him and even take communion. This message will stir you out of apathy and grumbling over our little issues in life that are nothing in comparision with what thi...

Remember Lot's Wife by Walid Bitar

July 07, 2009 17:04 - 44 minutes - 10.3 MB

Walid Bitar gives a very powerful message towards us as Christians living as Christians without worldliness. He states that much of the professing Church are living like the heathens in the world. There is a need for us to put away this corruption and live like the new man in these last days!

God Uses Foolish Things by Jackie Pullinger

July 05, 2009 22:06 - 1 hour - 16.4 MB

Jackie Pullinger shares a powerful message calling us to go out to reach that one that God has for us to reach. To reach the poor, the weak, the one's who are not well known. God's ways are opposite to men's ways. How sad to see so many churches operating in the business ways of the world. God uses the foolish and the despised for His glory.

The Cry From Hell by David Legge

July 01, 2009 00:27 - 36 minutes - 8.39 MB

There is a Cry that eminates from the very pit of Hell that can be summed up in 2 words, 'Send!.. lest'. Those that are eternally damned cry that God would Send believers out into the harvest, Lest their own loved ones should join them in the pit. Pastor Legge shows how we need to have a deep compassion for the world around us.a dn also how we need to travail in prayer with almighty God until we prevail. the question remians do we have the 'Ear of faith' to hear the Cry from Hell?


A Beautiful Mind
1 Episode