WARNING: Themes of transphobia and mentions of child harm.  Please listen at your own discretion.

Kit Mora was a non-binary teenager trying to figure out their way in life.  Based on the promise that things were different, Kit moved in with a close family member but soon found a challenging existence that took them away from their friends, their school and their other family.  Soon, no one had any idea where Kit was.

If you have any information regarding the whereabouts of Kit Mora, contact Detective Bowling at the Omak, Washington police department at 509-826-0383 and refer to case number K224101.  A $10,000 reward is offered for information leading to those responsible for Kit's disappearance, the recovery of Kit's body or Kit's safe return. 

Please join us in supporting the GoFundMe:

If you're looking for support related to gender identity:

Trevor Project 
Phone: 1-866-488-7386
Text: 678-678
Web: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/

Trans Lifeline
Phone (US): 877-565-8860
Phone (Canada):877-330-6366
Web: https://translifeline.org/hotline/

This episode was written by Kira McQueen, was edited by John Lordan and produced by LordanArts.

You can follow Kira McQueen's Missing Person's Advocacy at https://www.instagram.com/missinginwa/

This is not intended to act as a means of proving or disproving anything related to the investigation or potential charges associated to the investigation.  It is a conversation about the current known facts and theories being discussed.  Please do not contact people you are suspicious of or attempt to harass, threaten or intimidate them in any way. Do not release information that can be used to do the same, or join in attacks being conducted by others.  Everyone directly or indirectly referred to is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.