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Walk4Literacy founder and director April Butcher and Fundraising Director Yolanda Torrecillas are my guests for Episode 79. Why standing in line contributes to lower reading levels; why talking is more valuable than your iPad; why schools are struggling to decide

The post Episode 79: Walk4Literacy appeared first on Serious Talk. Seriously..

April & Yolanda of walk4literacy.

Walk4Literacy founder and director April Butcher and Fundraising Director Yolanda Torrecillas are my guests for Episode 79.

Why standing in line contributes to lower reading levels; why talking is more valuable than your iPad; why schools are struggling to decide to teach for fluency or comprehension; why they chose McClatchy Park in Oak Park as the starting point for the walk; and the goals of Walk4Literacy. Plus, I learned this staggering fact: on average, children in low-income households will hear 30 Million less words than middle-class households. 30 MILLION!

Thank you for listening, Listeners, and thank you for sharing, Sharers!


Get yourself some STS coasters

Hey, want to get your hands on some of these coasters for free? All you need to do is rate the podcast on iTunes, take a photo of your rating, and then tag it on Twitter or Facebook. Then I’ll send you a set in the mail. Thanks!

Ep. 79 is sponsored by Beers In Sac. “We find the beers, so you don’t have to.”

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The post Episode 79: Walk4Literacy appeared first on Serious Talk. Seriously..

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