Crocker-Con 2015 was so much fun! I was really happy when I was invited back to record an episode at the event. Warning: there are many, many, many nerdy references. First up are Big Tree Comics founders Ricky Eaddy and Kyrun

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Crocker-Con 2015 was so much fun! I was really happy when I was invited back to record an episode at the event. Warning: there are many, many, many nerdy references.

First up are Big Tree Comics founders Ricky Eaddy and Kyrun Silva. We chat about “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.“; comic book writing; who they turn to for honest critiques; and why a 6-year-old would put you in a timeout.

My second guest is Brett Stults. He is the Program Director for 916 Ink, the amazing non-profit that turns children into published authors. We chat about the high number of parents who suddenly “get something in their eye” when they see the contribution their child made to a published book; the power of creating; C-Creep-PO; and the Quicking of an Ewok Highlander.

My final conversation is with Ben Schwartz, owner of Empire’s Comics Vault. We chat about why gluttony beats costumes; yelling about living in a society; perfect examples of why we’re turning in cantankerous curmudgeons, and Traffic Gripe Podcast.

Big thanks to Eben Burgoon and Crocker Art Museum for inviting me to record at Crocker-Con 2015!


Get yourself some STS coasters

Hey, want to get your hands on some of the coasters for free? All you need to do is rate the podcast on iTunes, take a photo of your rating, and then tag it on Twitter or Facebook. Then I’ll send you a set in the mail. Thanks!

Ep. 75 is sponsored by Beer in Sac app. “We find the beer, so you don’t have to!” Be sure to download the app so that you know what breweries and brew events are going on in town.

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The post Episode 75: Crocker-Con 2015 appeared first on Serious Talk. Seriously..

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