Corky McDonnell is performer of improvisation over at Sac Comedy Spot and stopped by for Episode 70. Corky and I discuss the two types of dog taste buds; how John begot Corky; the three other Corkys; why starting off by being

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Corky McDonnell

Corky McDonnell is performer of improvisation over at Sac Comedy Spot and stopped by for Episode 70.

Corky and I discuss the two types of dog taste buds; how John begot Corky; the three other Corkys; why starting off by being the worst is the best thing possible; Phil Jackson’s staring role in Unbreakable; the joy of making people laugh; and why you don’t make retching sounds in a restaurant.

Thank you for listening, Listeners, and thank you for sharing, Sharers! Be sure to follow Corky McDonnell on Twitter and check out the new show Secret Handshake Society!

This episode is sponsored by Beer in Sac app. “We find the beer, so you don’t have to!” Be sure to download the app and see what is going on in town!


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The post Episode 70: Corky McDonnell appeared first on Serious Talk. Seriously..

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