I chat with Odin Abbott in Episode 177. Abbott is the creative force behind Odin Makes, a popular Youtube channel showing step-by-step video tutorials for making cosplay props and items. Abbott was crafting and building costumes and props throughout most

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I chat with Odin Abbott in Episode 177. Abbott is the creative force behind Odin Makes, a popular Youtube channel showing step-by-step video tutorials for making cosplay props and items.

Abbott was crafting and building costumes and props throughout most of his life. As a result of building a Dalek, he ended up making props for Paul Montgomery, the founder of the Play, Inc. Eventually, he partnered with Smosh to make props for their productions, after that it was DIY Prop Shop, and finally he began Odin Makes.

In this episode of the show I chat with Abbott about Johnny’s love of Japanese woodworking and nerd culture. Consequently, these two loves lead him to discover Abbott’s work. In addition, we ponder how cats exist with all of the vomiting they do; the reasons content creators need to get away from padding content and get to the point of what they are doing; and the wonderful days of going to Gwar and Green Jellÿ. To clarify, Abbott was in costume at the concerts.

We also get into the juxtaposition of when being a “nerd” could get you spit on to the cultural acceptance of nerds today; the bounty of Cons (conventions) we get to attend in Sacramento; and his love of painting miniatures and kitbashing.

Thank you for listening, Listeners, to my conversation with Odin Abbott of Odin Makes. Be sure to follow Odin on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

I’ll record an episode at Sac Pod Fest on Saturday, June 1 at 5 PM. Check out the entire lineup by clicking here.

Have a questions or comment? Let Johnny know by clicking here.

Featured music

“Serious Talk Theme Song” by Leah and Nicole

“Hungaria” by Latché Swing

“Serious Talk Theme Song (Quick Version)” by Leah and Nicole

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The post Episode 177: Odin Makes appeared first on Serious Talk. Seriously..

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