Previous Episode: Episode 172: POOR Majesty
Next Episode: Episode 174: Ezra Romero

Honyock stopped by for Episode 173. Per the band’s website, “Listening to Honyock feels like walking through a post-war home that hasn’t been redecorated since 1975.” The band’s first full-length EP El Castillo, was produced by David Vandervelde (Father John

The post Episode 173: Honyock appeared first on Serious Talk. Seriously..

Honyock stopped by for Episode 173. Per the band’s website, “Listening to Honyock feels like walking through a post-war home that hasn’t been redecorated since 1975.” The band’s first full-length EP El Castillo, was produced by David Vandervelde (Father John Misty, Jay Bennett) and is out now.

In this episode of the show I chat with Tyler, Chris, Spencer (Mason, was absent on the day of the interview) about how to pronounce the band’s name (Hun-Yawk); how the citizens of Portland settled on “Cootch” instead of “Couch”; the beauty of the Blu Blockers Rapper; how Honey Hunters and a grandfather played a role in naming the band; why you do not want a long name when it comes time to name your band; our confusion over the horribleness of a “dump” cake; and how the band navigates the world of record labels and tours.


Thank you for listening, Listeners, and thank you for sharing, Sharers, to my conversation with Tyler, Chris, and Spencer of Honyock. Be sure to follow the band on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

Featured music

“Hungaria” by Latché Swing

“The Silent Orchestra” by Hamilton Leithauser

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The post Episode 173: Honyock appeared first on Serious Talk. Seriously..

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