Episode 164 is here with Julie Maginnis. Julie is a comedian who started the political satire show “Dystopian Idol”. The show is currently on hiatus but is looking for a new venue for performances. In this episode of the show

The post Episode 164: Julie Maginnis appeared first on Serious Talk. Seriously..

Episode 164 is here with Julie Maginnis. Julie is a comedian who started the political satire show “Dystopian Idol”. The show is currently on hiatus but is looking for a new venue for performances.

In this episode of the show Julie Maginnis and I chat about why dragons don’t have extra legs; “Beige Cardigan” and “FuckJerry”; why Twitter is full of racist uncles; how comedy helped her recoup after a traumatic head injury; if there is any truth in stand-ups being the trash bags of society and improvisors being goofy weirdos; why a person should strive to be a Number 4 on the Bristol stool scale; why Julie started “Dystopian Idol” and how her shadow “Julie” helps real-world Julie function in the world; if Western medicine will ever fully adopt Eastern medicine practices; why you are a real piece of shit; and if the Judeo-Christian religion exists in the Star Wars Universe.

Julie Maginnis

Thank you for listening, Listeners, and thank you for sharing, Sharers, to my conversation with Julie Maginnis. Be sure to follow to follow Julie on Twitter and Instagram. You can follow “Dystopian Idol” on Twitter by clicking here.

Featured music

“Hungaria” by Latché Swing

“The Silent Orchestra” by Hamilton Leithauser

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The post Episode 164: Julie Maginnis appeared first on Serious Talk. Seriously..

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