Previous Episode: Episode 146: Becky Lynn
Next Episode: Episode 148: Bree Aea

Daniel Humbarger stopped by for Episode 147! This interview is part of my month of interviews with comedians. Daniel and I chat about why he loves pun jokes; the love/hate relationship you have with your work as a comedian; getting

The post Episode 147: Daniel Humbarger appeared first on Serious Talk. Seriously..

Daniel Humbarger stopped by for Episode 147! This interview is part of my month of interviews with comedians.

Daniel and I chat about why he loves pun jokes; the love/hate relationship you have with your work as a comedian; getting left behind in Iceland; why he was an asshole even as a kid; his experience trying out for Last Comic Standing after doing stand-up for only a few months; being pushed to finish his law degree while comedy was still calling to him; how he has grown as an artist; why you do not consume edibles when you’re flying; when the cover is better than the original, and “Party. Pizza Party”.

Daniel Humbarger, photo by Frank Stewart. Cover photo by Lucy Mercer.

Thank you for listening, Listeners, and thank you for sharing, Sharers, to my conversation with Daniel Humbarger. Be sure to follow Daniel on Twitter and Facebook and here.

Tonight I will be recording the final live episode of my upcoming podcast The Anecdotalists at the B Street Theatre! The guests will be Shahera Hyatt, Corky McDonnell, and Daniel Humbarger. The last two shows were a blast!

Featured music

“Hungaria” by Latché Swing

“The Silent Orchestra” by Hamilton Leithauser

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The post Episode 147: Daniel Humbarger appeared first on Serious Talk. Seriously..

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