Jay Mootz is my guest for Episode 109. He is Dean of McGeorge School of Law. Jay and I chat about why some obscure laws are still in the books; the reason why you are never done practicing law; how

The post Episode 109: Jay Mootz appeared first on Serious Talk. Seriously..

Jay Mootz is my guest for Episode 109. He is Dean of McGeorge School of Law.

Jay and I chat about why some obscure laws are still in the books; the reason why you are never done practicing law; how you move forward after losing a case; James Spader’s oral arguments; and if Dean Mootz has ever put someone on Double Secret Probation.

Jay Mootz

Thank you for listening, Listeners, and thank you for sharing, Sharers, to my conversation with Dean Jay Mootz!

Episode 109 is sponsored by the Elk Grove BrewFest. Be sure to listen to this episode for a discount code exclusive to STS listeners!

Joe Kye is performing June 10 at Beatnik Studios!

Featured music

“Hungaria” by Latché Swing

“The Silent Orchestra” by Hamilton Leithauser

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The post Episode 109: Jay Mootz appeared first on Serious Talk. Seriously..