Video games! You love 'em! You know you do! But some games are more special to us than others. Some games inspired us, or challenged us. They made us see the medium and the world in a different way. Some even changed the entire industry. These are the GameChangers, and this week on Serious Fun Bryan sits down with Dr. Juli Case and Dr. Chris Williams of the UW - Green Bay English faculty to list and discuss the personal and historical significance of fifteen must-play games and why you should play them. And as this is the final of our three shows recorded at the 2023 Brown County Library Pop-Con, we also heard from fans and community members about which games they felt deserved the honor of being included on the list! That list spans RPGs to action games, small-scale personal narratives to massive franchises, and more. Did your favorite make it? Download and find out...


The full title of this episode was supposed to be "Episode 54: GameChangers - The Games That Made Us (or Games Where You Beat Up Your Dad) (w/ Juli Case and Chris Williams)" but it wouldn't fit. But you read the show notes, so now you know that. You have that treasured knowledge. Good for you!

Thanks again to everyone at the Brown County Library for making this event possible and to Forever Friend of the Show Miriam Brabham for once again lending her help in managing the audience Q&A!

Music Credits:

Junichi Nakatsuru - Duelists/Mitsurugi’s Theme (Soulcalibur)
Darren Korb - No Escape (Hades)
Nobuo Uematsu - Golden Saucer (Final Fantasy VII)
Michiru Yamane - Dracula’s Castle (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night)
Takashi Tateishi - Ending Theme (Mega Man 2)