It's a new fall season of Serious Fun! This week, Bryan sits down with David and Nadia Oxford, retro gaming power couple and co-authors of the new book “Mega Man X: Maverick Hunter’s Field Guide”. In this wide-ranging conversation, the trio discusses how video game fandom has changed since the early days of fansites and message boards, how the Mega Man series has evolved into new aesthetics and formats, and the work that goes into making a field guide for a fictional universe. We’ll also answer listener questions and come up with a million-seller idea for the next Mega Man game. Come for the discussion of the book, stay for a bunch of old nerds talking about the good ol’ days.

Show Notes:

This is the book with Bryan’s Mega Man chapter in it:

Nadia’s “Axe of the Blood God” Patreon:

Poison Mushroom Online:

The “Summer Carnival” Chill Penguin skin:


Mega Man X “Title Theme” – Setsuo Yamamoto
Mega Man X7 “Tornado Tonion Voices” – Jack Merluzzi