About six months ago we decided that it would be fun to produce more original video segments for Serious Eats. When I made a list of interesting people I wanted to interview on camera for a series called Chewing the Fat, Alton Brown was at the top of the list. Why? Because whenever I have watched him on the Food Network or chatted with him (ever so briefly) when I was an Iron Chef judge, I have always found Alton to be interesting, provocative, smart, and funny. We were thrilled when Alton agreed to do it. Who did we get to shoot, direct, and edit the Alton videos? None other than Hamburger America director and author George Motz.

On this week's Chewing the Fat webisode, our man Alton goes deep into the world of fried chicken. Southern fried chicken, to be exact. Alton and his crew show up at what is one of the world's great fried chicken joints. The crew eats all the available chicken, leaving Alton holding the bag—or should I say, his hog. Does he end up going fried chicken-less? Watch and find out.

The Feasting on Asphalt DVDs are available at Foodnetwork.com and the book is available at Amazon.