A Yuri on Ice Fanfic.

Summary: “So, as my regular viewers will probably know,” he says, folding his hands together on the counter as though to stop himself fidgeting, “this is not my usual kitchen. But I’m visiting the boyfriend this week so we’re in his rather lovely kitchen today. Obviously I had to do a big shop on arrival as Victor lives like the drama queen he is and mostly orders out.”

“Hey!” a voice says, and moments later a taller, very attractive silver haired man wanders into view and flicks Yuuri on the nose affectionately. “I only apply as much drama as is necessary at any given time or place.”

[Third in the YouTubers AU. Yuuri hosts a live stream of Katsu's Kitchen at Victor's. Shenanigans ensue.]

Download the full fic from my website, HERE & My AO3, HERE

Also, be sure to check out my YouTube channel, HERE.

You can read this fic for yourself, HERE.