Hosts Mat Bradley-Tschirgi, William Thrasher, and Jersey Jason discuss the 2001 remake of Planet of the Apes. Captain Leo Davidson (Mark Wahlberg) crash lands on a planet full of gorillas, chimpanzees, and orangutans. 

Tim Burton directs this pretty but vapid remake. The ape effects are practical, and their faces with modern day prosthetics are a wonder to behold. Too much of the movie is Leo getting chased by apes or escaping from ape prison. There's none of the satirical bite of the originals. Notable for having one of the corniest endings in recent memory.

They also discuss the short-lived Apes live-action and animated TV series.

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Buy One Starry Night, a Cthulhu Live scenario Thrasher contributed to, from DriveThruRPG! 

Watch Alex Miller's YouTube series The Trailer Project!

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