Hosts Mat Bradley-Tschirgi, Thrasher, and Alex Miller discuss the current trend of home video and gaming going from HD (720P, 1080P) to UHD (4K, 8K). 

According to analysis from Decision Data, Internet bandwidth in the United States is ranked 11th in the world. As the world economy shifts more to remote work, Internet speed is faster than ever, but is it enough to be able to stream huge amounts of data when watching movies or, even more challenging a task, games?

We discuss our first encounters with 4K in a theater and at home. 

Sequelcast 2 and Friends is part of the Greenlit Podcast Network

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Buy Thrasher's tabeltop RPG supplements from DriveThruRPG! 

Buy Mat's new book The Films of Uwe Boll Vol. 1: The Video Game Movies! 

Watch Alex Miller's YouTube series The Trailer Project!

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