How to get organic traffic for your blog is the focus of today's SEO Rank It Up Podcast.

First of all, a blog is alive. When you nourish it frequently it will perform better for you. Think about a dog you walk daily verses a dog you take on a walk once a month. Which dog will be more responsive? Blogs like TLC.


How to Blog for Business

With most businesses transporting their operations to a more digital space, take advantage of blogging to grow your business.

Businesses who have benefited a great deal with the help of SEO will attest to the fact that incorporating SEO is a fruitful way of boosting your growth.

Search Engine Optimization is a multidimensional tool that lets you use it to your benefit in more than one way. Businesses tend to use SEO to attract more organic traffic to their websites as a part of digital marketing.

SEO can be rewarding for businesses in the sense that it allows the website to reach a wider audience and promote the businesses’ digital features. Accumulating organic research is the primary reason behind businesses doing SEO as part of their digital campaign. With the help of SEO, business websites can boost their performance and help get them in Google’s top search rankings in that particular industry.

In the previous episode, we discussed how to do SEO with images known as image SEO more commonly. In this week’s episode, we’ll learn how to do blogging for business with the help of SEO. This episode covers an array of tips that will help you blog better for your business’s growth and reach.

The episode discusses tips and techniques that helped to improve the rankings of the blogs that were run and maintained by the host. The host was able to improve the blogs’ ranking with the help of incorporating certain keywords on a consistent basis.

Update Your Blog Posts Regularly

You need to realize that you have to keep nourishing your blog regularly to make sure it doesn’t fall behind in terms of searchability and ranking. It is no longer a set it and forget it world.

The episode covers some unique advice relevant for blogging for business. The first tip mentioned in the episode is to update your blog regularly. Blogs that are updated weekly tend to do pretty well on Google’s search rankings. However, weekly updates can seem a bit too much in the beginning but as you get used to updating your blog more regularly, you’ll get a hang of it in no time. One great way to improve your blog’s performance is to add images whenever updating your blog.

Your Blog Should Solve a Problem

The first question you can ask yourself as a blogger is “how can I solve a problem with my blog?” Having a ‘why’ at the back of your mind for your blog can be a good start to this journey. A compelling question will set the mood for the content that is to follow afterward. Keep your audience in mind when you’re composing your blog and think about what they might be trying to solve with the help of your blog. For instance, if someone has come to this podcast episode, chances are they're probably looking for ways to get attention for their blog posts or simply how to use blogging for SEO.

If your recent blogs haven’t been attracting organic traffic as of yet, you first need to look at the competition in that industry. After you do that, make sure you make them longer, stronger, and better, keeping in mind the latest trends in the market. Be inclusive of high-resolution images in your blogs. Also, your topic needs to be compelling and be able to tell a unique story to the readers.

When you’re blogging for SEO, your writing doesn’t have to be distinguished. When it comes to SEO, simple is generally given more preference over flowery composition. Always keep your audience in mind when blogging for business. Use a variety of elements to enrich your blogs such as high-resolution images and relevant keywords that are popular as far as trends in digital marketing in that field are considered.

The final advice the host gives in this episode is to not look for instant gratification when it comes to blogging. Blogging should be seen as a long-term contribution instead of a short-term one. Blog posts tend to rank up with time only if you’re putting in the effort to sustain it.

Free tool mentioned on the show:

More blogs and resources on how to get better SEO results: